The ability to speak two languages can be a considerable advantage for kids.
Recent studies have even shown that bilingual children can be better at understanding other people’s thoughts and feelings. This helps them develop important social and emotional skills, as well as making them more efficient and attentive.
Plus, learning two or more languages as a kid can help them pick up even more languages later in life.
It’s not just about being able to speak multiple languages – it’s about unlocking a whole world of opportunities and developing skills that can set a child up for success in both their personal and professional lives. It opens up a whole new world of opportunities to connect with people from different backgrounds and cultures.
Benefits of bilingualism
Some advantages of bilingual education for children are:
1. It improves cognitive function
So being bilingual can actually make your brain work better. Bilingual kids can easily switch between languages, which helps them solve problems faster than their friends who only know one language.
Additionally, they can think through problem-solving approaches in both languages to develop creative solutions. Research also shows that bilingual children are better at noticing visual changes in their surroundings and focusing on different things at once.
There is now a sizable body of evidence to suggest that children who speak two languages are smarter, have better cognitive skills not related to language processing, and are more resistant to dementia and other age-related symptoms associated with the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.
2. Bilingual students perform better academically
They do better in school too. A study at York University in Canada found that they’re good at processing language and weeding out irrelevant information. This ability associated with bilingualism results in better performance in school in general and improved grades in particular.
3. It improves social and emotional development
Speaking a second language or even just receptive bilingualism makes it easier for children to make new friends outside their linguistic communities. It helps them fit in with different groups and use both languages to connect with other children on an emotional level. This automatically improves their social skills and gives them the confidence to participate in social situations with ease.
4. It facilitates professional success
With English emerging as the dominant language in diverse fields such as international business, diplomacy, politics, science and technology, research, aviation, and even the internet, its use as a second language can boost your child’s professional success. From being able to communicate with colleagues and clients more effectively to articulating their ideas easily, English language skills are an absolute must in today’s globalised world.
Plus, loads of companies these days prefer employees who speak more than one language, especially when it comes to dealing with foreign clients.
5. It increases awareness of different cultures
When children learn a new language, they consume a lot of information about the culture it comes from through books, films, music, cuisines, and even humour. This helps them develop a deeper appreciation of other ways of life, making it easier to connect with people from all sorts of backgrounds.
6. Picking up a third language becomes easier
Once you’ve mastered two languages, picking up a third or fourth one becomes much easier. Research suggests that multilinguals are quicker at learning new languages than monolinguals because they can employ the brain processes they already use for their first two languages. So understanding how different languages work can help bilingual children learn more languages later in life.
7. It makes travel more fun
If you can speak the language of the country you are visiting, your travels can become that much more enjoyable, without the inconvenience of having to mime important questions to unsuspecting locals. Plus, with fluency in the English language, you will be able to travel to many countries around the world and interact with their populations since English is one of the most widely spoken languages on the planet.

© Good Cat Books 2021 by MJOYES
M’ Joyes has been an educator and teacher for more than three decades. She started to write children stories in 2019 encouraged by her interest for education. She writes stories about friendship, team work, love and kindness with a touch of humor. She aims to inspire readers to feel confident about difficult situations. She also hopes that her books encourage parents from bilingual communities to be proud of passing their language heritage background to their children.
If you could have one superpower, what would it be? Granny, the heroine of this children's story, and her grandson Scotty are the superheroes of this story. Granny is struck by a lightning bolt that magically turns her into a flying table. This becomes the beginning of an amazing adventure for both of them. Granny and Scotty’s friends encounter many obstacles along the way. Find out how they overcome them, discover the courage it takes to maintain a positive attitude to get through these challenges. This is a story of desolation, frustration, generosity, teamwork, friendship, love, patience and perseverance. It shows how we can work through our differences and make things better for everyone. It teaches us that when we care about one another and are willing to work together, we can reach a common goal.

Lucy is an extraordinary spoon that helps children from elementary school learn to read. Join Lucy as she takes you on a reading journey where spoons and people interrelate. Travel on a journey from the unknown to the known. In this story, students overcome their difficulties with learning and enjoy the results of their own hard work. This story will encourage children to value consistency, effort and gratitude within a fun context. Enjoy the ride!

Who wouldn’t like to know what to do in an unpredictable situation?Tina Lisa, the tigress protagonist of this story, offers her wisdom in this story of overcoming stress in situations of environmental catastrophe. Yoga helps the characters alleviate physical and emotional aspects with a sense of humor and wit. It is a story of self-improvement, teamwork, friendship and self-confidence.

This is a fictional story where a boy named Yael tries to find his own identity. In his search, different characters appear that will give him clues to find himself. To do this, he will embark on all kinds of adventures that will take him to other times, where he will face risks and uncertainties, find friendship and spiritual support. Inspired on the bathroom tiles of my parent`s house,

This is the story of a psychedelic clown dressed up in bright neon colors tubes, who lives in a small seaside town, where its inhabitants suffer from achromatopsia. They don’t see the entire spectrum of existing colors. Billy Jester will have to face his frustration and sadness with his friend Ander, a newly arrived child in Grayland, to make its inhabitants understand that there are more colors than white, black and gray.


Salamander was the first work of this writer that offers us his testimony, a man who survived Auschwich and who, after this dramatic experience, only found a reason that gave meaning to what remained of his life; make the tragedy of the victims known to the world. He chose the pseudonym Ka-Tzenik, which means "Concentration Camp Prisoner," added the number the Nazis tattooed on his arm (135633), and spoke on his behalf. A deep and moving lesson not to forget.
Technical details
Translator:María José Estívariz Da Silva
Publisher:Ediciones la Key
Language: Spanish
Number of pages:302
Binding: Softcover
Release date:05/01/2000
Place of publication: Barcelona

The protagonist, a well-to-do young American, travels on his honeymoon to Germany, where unexpected events, the war and the post-war period, will completely change his destiny. Since then he loses all sense and lives trapped in his memories. With the help of a therapist he has to face his life and his history and fit together the pieces of the puzzle of his experiences, his family and his past, trying to find the true meaning of his life.
Technical details
Translator:María José Estívariz Da Silva
Publisher:La Key Editions
Language: Spanish
Number of pages:180
Binding: Softcover
Release date:01/07/2000
Year of publication: 2000
Place of publication: Barcelona